SWOA courses/workshops for the New Year 2014

SWOA is sponsoring and supporting 5 orienteering related courses which clubs in the SWOA region are organising in the first half of this year. The courses are open to all members of SWOA clubs and others too if space allows. Please contact the organiser as soon as possible to reserve your place.

1. SWOA (DEVON) one day Level 2 First Aid Course
Saturday 1 February. Clyst St Mary Primary School hall, Exeter, EX5 1BG.9.0am to 4.0pm. Led by the qualified First Aid instructor and orienteer, Steve Rose DEVON. Cost for DEVON seniors £25 and DEVON juniors £10; others £55 (ask your club to sponsor you). Contact: Tess Stone DEVON 0129 553421 plum.pebble@gmail.com

2. SWOA LidarWorkshop  (Interpretation of Lidar data for orienteering maps)
Saturday 22 February.Torqay Boys Grammar school, Shiphay Manor Drive, Torquay TQ2 7EL. 10.0am to 3.0pm.Led by Erik Peckett DEVON. Cost: £5. Contact: Erik Pecketterik.peckett@talktalk.net

3. SWOA (BOK)British Orienteering Event Safety Workshop
Sunday 23 February. White Horse Inn, Staunton, Forest of DeanGL16  8PA.  3.0pm to 6.0pm.Led by Katy Dyer BOK.After the nearby NGOC galoppen, Level C event.Cost free.Contact: Katy Dyer 0117 9684173   family.dyer@blueyonder.co.uk

4.SWOA (BOK) OCAD 11 Workshop (More efficient Map Making with OCAD 11)
Saturday 15 March. Avon Riding Centre, Bristol, BS10 7QT. 10.0am to 5.0pm. Led by Thomas Gloor, Managing Director of OCAD AG. Cost free and lunch included. Contact: Katy Dyer  0117 9684173 family.dyer@blueyonder.co.uk

5.  SWOA (DEVON) Planners’ Course (for planners new and up to Level C)
Saturday 17 May. Killerton, Exeter (venue TBC) 09.00-16.00. Led by Jill and Roger Green DEVON. Cost free to DEVON; £10 to others. Contact:  Nicholas Maxwell 01752  739040 or Jill Green 01392 278512  jill-green@blueyonder.co.uk