Loders School sports day was on the 19th of July 2000. The teams were the Red team, the Blue team and the Green team. The team captains for the Red team were Dale plus Natalie, for the Blue team Rebecca plus Jonathan and for the Green team Louise plus Paul.

Obstacles race No.2 Dale for the Reds, Jonathan and Kate for the Blue and Leah for the Green team. Greens came first, Reds came second and the blues came third.

Later on we did the corner spry.

Stephanie is throwing the ball to another team member. Then the member will throw back to Stephanie and so on…When they have all had a turn they have to all sit down. The first team to sit down wins.

Reds came first, Greens came second and the Blues came third.

Now we have the Dressing up race.

This game consists of a team of every year in the school. They all collect an item of clothing and the vice-captain helps the Captain from each team. The first item of clothing is Wellington boots, the second is Rubber gloves, third the Hat, then the socks plus Apron, last of all the handbag.


The first to cross the line with every item of clothing on wins. Reds came first, Blues came second and Greens came last.

Greens came third with 46 points, Blues came second with 53 points and the winners with a staggering 76 point were the Reds who haven't won for 12 years!

    Red Blue Green
    Dale Jonathan Paul
    Natalie Rebecca Louise
    Vicky Kate Leah
    Charlotte Stephanie Pearl
    Gemma Ziggy Christy
    Ricky Fiona Ronan
    Emma Ian Laura
    Robert William Kamran
    Helen Georgia Hazel

These are the teams

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