Frankie (Yr 4) did brilliantly to achieve this on his first visit to computer club

Thai enjoyed discovering effects on the digital blue camera



Daisy worked very hard once again to create this picture.


Olivia had fun with the digital blue camera




Daisy(Yr 4) worked very hard with her cutting to create this picture 
using Paint Shop      Well done Daisy!

Ellie used Animation Shop too.

Daisy created this at her first computer club!

Edward had fun with Animation Shop too.

This one was created by Ellie


Katie worked with Lily to create her Apple animation
She used Animation Shop

Lily ate the apple!


Lottie and Rhiannon had fun with the effects
using the Digi Blue camera



Rhiannon and Jacob had fun with the 'Digi-Blue' camera and effects

Ellie did some careful cutting 
to produce this image.


Jemma created this animation

Thomas enjoyed creating his PowerPoint presentation

Charlotte created her animation using Animation Shop

This animation was created by Mimi and Rhiannon


Ellie worked hard on her animation
using Animation Shop


click to see Thomas' 'Parrotty'
shire horse and me.

Charlotte worked hard for this ride!

Lily, Thomas and Katie used Animation Shop and produced these animations:

      Lizzie had fun learning about animation effects in PowerPoint        


Mimi needed to do some careful cutting to create this picture.

Mimi worked very hard on her first animation ~ using Animation Shop

Look at Katie's first attempt at digital art!
She used the digital camera and Paint Shop Pro

click  to see Jack's first attempt at PowerPoint

with some help from Jordan



Ellie and Eva worked together on this  presentation


Jacob used the digital-blue camera

Lizzie helped Jacob complete his movie


Enjoying computer club



Jemma and Lizzie created these with a lot of careful cutting using Paint Shop Pro




                    Digital Art by Jess and Lottie

demented illusion


Look at Isla, Jess and Lottie's work with Photostory and Paint Shop Pro

Ellie learnt how to use PowerPoint

on her first day at Computer Club

Well done Ellie!

cat and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lily enjoyed her first attempt at digital art

Oliver took the photos and Andrew created the animation using Animation Shop

William did some careful 'cutting'
to produce this using Paint Shop Pro

Lottie had fun with Movie Maker



Catherine and Jess (now Yr 5)  enjoyed creating their pictures
with a lot of careful cutting using Paint Shop Pro


by Catherine and Jess

Horses by Lottie.

Me up a tree by Isla

 Jess was able to help Catherine with her picture, and Lottie and Isla worked hard too.

Bear by Jacob

Jacob discovered it is not easy cutting out with a mouse!


Isla and Lottie have enjoyed exploring PowerPoint


George took a lot of photos (and enjoyed eating the fruit!)

Kate took the photos and Mark used Paint Shop Pro animation shop to create this animation
(refresh to repeat)


Some digital art created using the school digital camera and Paint Shop Pro


Jess - (Yr 4) enjoyed learning how to animate in PowerPoint