The harvest festival was on the 10th October 2000.

First we had the first group of year 5/6 reading their poems, then the Choir sang Sow in Peace. Then the next year 5/6 group read their poems. Then another song from the Choir, Michaelmas Daisies. Now it's time for year 3/4 to read their harvest poems & songs. After that the harvest songs by Key Stage 1 and then it's time for years 1 and 2 Anagrams. Good food poems by year 2. Then a song by everybody, Let us with a gladsome mind, and we prayed with Revd Gregory Page-Turner. Finally we sang the last song, The Parable of the Sower.

By William & Ian


Harvest readings Harvest readings Harvest readings Key Stage 1 Harvest song


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Parable of The Sower Parable of the SowerTen Fat SausagesThe Infants